{"id":1603,"date":"2019-10-21T16:40:06","date_gmt":"2019-10-21T14:40:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.biofar.fr\/?p=1603"},"modified":"2019-10-21T17:38:17","modified_gmt":"2019-10-21T15:38:17","slug":"levons-le-voile-sur-les-antioxydants","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.biofar.fr\/en\/levons-le-voile-sur-les-antioxydants\/","title":{"rendered":"Let's unveil antioxidants"},"content":{"rendered":"

We often hear the term \"antioxidant\", without knowing what is behind it: where do they come from? Are they beneficial to health? What are their roles? After a few minutes of reading, antioxidants will have no secrets for you.<\/p>\n


What is an antioxidant?<\/h2>\n

An antioxidant<\/strong><\/a> is a molecule that helps fight oxidative stress<\/strong>. Behind this stress is the production of unstable molecules called oxygenated free radicals [1]<\/a><\/strong>. In too large a quantity, these molecules play a harmful<\/strong> role and damage our cells. Indeed, they degrade the elements around them to regain their stability. This can affect DNA, proteins or even cells.<\/p>\n

This stress can be caused by certain factors such as pollution, UV exposure, tobacco, intensive sports...<\/strong> It is also accelerated with age<\/strong>. As the body's capacities are diminished, free radicals take control and induce cellular ageing<\/strong> and tissue degeneration<\/strong>. Effects that are visible on the skin through the appearance of wrinkles, loss of firmness and the appearance of brown spots [2]<\/a>. This is when antioxidants come in to neutralize<\/strong> these molecules.<\/p>\n

How can antioxidants fight oxidative stress?<\/h2>\n

Free radicals damage our proteins, lipids, cells or even DNA by oxidizing them; meaning they add an oxygen molecule to them. Their objective is simply to stabilize! The functioning of these elements is then modified, and this disrupts the body. Skin ageing<\/strong> is an example of the consequences of oxidation. The role of antioxidants is therefore:<\/p>\n